About SkillWiki

SkillWiki is a non-profit organisation, Kishore Pallapothu started SkillWiki to support low-wage workers in getting trained on the latest IT technologies to become qualified to compete in the hi-tech job marketplace. SkillWiki has been working through a seven pillar program in the areas of Faculty Development, Student Skill Development, Entrepreneurship Development, Youth Empowerment, Industry-Institute Interaction, Digital Empowerment and Research & Publications.

Skills development can reduce unemployment, raise incomes, and improve standards of living. Helping young people develop skills makes economic sense. Skill development refers to the identification of skill gaps and developing the existing skills to enable a person to achieve his/her goals. The current generation lacks the necessary skills and there is a humongous gap between the skills existing in a person and the skills demanded by the industry.

Students Trained
0 +
Awards & Recognition
Professional Teachers
4 +
Project Research
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